10 Things You Must Do In London

đời sống và du lịch With the Beatles With Andre Gardner": The show airs from 7 to 9 a.m. ET Sundays on WMGK-FM 102.9 and 7-9 a.m. PT on KSLX-FM 100.7 in Phoenix.

Become fan club members. Many bands and singers have fan clubs. Some require a membership fee, while others are free. This is ideal for the die hard fans. As a member, emails may be sent with the artist's latest tour information, ticket pre-sale codes, chances to win Meet & Greets, etc. Beware, however, that being a fan club member does not always guarantee the best seats at a concert.

The event also includes a pre-concert poolside party hosted by Vegas radio station 97.1 The Point from 8 - 9 pm. Following all those great Skynyrd southern - fried tunes, the venue will present a spectacular fireworks display.

CIRCUS CIRCUS - The is a great family attraction. They have an amusement park all indoors, so there is no standing in line in the blazing sun. Not all casinos or hotels on the strip offer such experiences for the families. There is no cost to walk around, however is you want to go on a fun ride there is a small fee. There is also circus acts that perform every 20 minutes from 11am-2pm. For a family this is on the top of the list of things to do Las Vegas.

A visitor to the country should stop by the Dublin Zoo. Here, you will see exotic animals as well as some local animals of Ireland. After đi du lịch thái lan cần bao nhiêu tiền to the zoo, you can always stroll in Dublin's Botanical Gardens and enjoy the variety of flowers and plants here.

Kayak to Monkey Beach - Renting kayaks in the off-season is almost unbelievably inexpensive and prices can be negotiated. On the back side of the island (opposite the pier) you can take your pick of kayaks, as locals line the beach with their boats. Only a short paddle from the main beach in LohDaLum Bay is Monkey Beach. And yes, there are actually monkeys on it. A word of caution: make sure to tie your wet bag down to the kayak before pulling it up on the beach as these monkeys are not shy and won't hesitate to run off with your stuff!

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